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Contribution fees and sports card

Types of membership
Recreational member
As recreational member you have the right to join all activities of NSAV 't Haasje. You will also be registered as a recreational member with the Dutch Athletics Federation. You can compete with all types of track meets and races, except for the national competition and track meetings via

Competition member
As competition member you have the right to join all activities of NSAV 't Haasje. We will request a competition license for you with the Dutch Athletics Federation. This allows your to also compete in the national competition. Furthermore, a competition licence is necessary for many national student competitions (especially trackmeetings). So a competition license is very handy to have!

Guest member
You have all the rights of a recreational member, but your registration with the Dutch Athletics Federation is taken core of by another club. During the national competition you can represent this other club and you are not allowed to represent NSAV 't Haasje.

Short-term member
As of September 2017 we also offer a short-term membership. This membership type is valid for 3 months and is meant for members that are going abroad and for international students coming here. The contribution fee for this membership type is €25,50 per 3 months, and you get the same rights as a recreational member. It is important that you inform the board in time when you want to use this kind of membership. You can do this by sending an email to secretaris [at]

Contribution per year

  Recreantional Competition Guest member

't Haasje

(without work operation  discount)

€ 58,50 € 58,50 € 58,50
Athletics Federation ~ € 18,55 ~ 43,60

~ € 18,55

We prefer that you pay for your fees by agreeing with this payment authorization form to NSAV 't Haasje. For other means of payment, € 5,- administration costs will be charged. The Haasje fee will be collected near the start of the academic year. The Athletics Federation fee will be collected near the start of the calender year.

Sports card
All members of the club should have a valid sports card before October 1st. You have to inform the board the board of your possession of a sports card before that date. Providing your sports card number suffices. New members can provide their sports card number during the registration. If a member fails to do so, this could lead to a (temporary) suspension. Remember that you always bring your sports card (or student card for RU students) to the track. Every now and then the Sports Centre will perform checks.

Work operation
As part of your contribution every member has the opportunity to take part in work operations. In this way members have the opportunity to earn back a part of the contribution at the end of the year. You can find more information about where you can do your work operations here

Change membership?
To change your membership (for instance, from guest member to competion member) you can always send an email to secretaris [at]