Hi there! Welcome to the website of the Nijmegen Student Athletics Club 't Haasje ('the little hare'). We have more than 150 members who are students at the Radboud University or at the HAN University of Applied Sciences. We practice the highly versatile sport of athletics, ranging from the marathon to track and field events such as the 100m sprint or long jumping. The level ranges from recreational running to the national top. Not only do we get along well on the track and do we compete in races and track meetings together, but we also organize activities on a regular basis, such as our monthly dinner ('Haasjehap') or drinks ('borrel').
We have four training groups, who have different coaches and train at (slightly) different times. One for sprinting and hurdles, one for jumping and throwing, and two for middle to long distances, where one is aimed at a more recreational level and the other at people who are more competitive. If you are interested to join a track session (you do not have to become a member immediately, feel free to try it a few times first), please send an e-mail to our secretary at secretaris [at] haasjeatletiek.nl. You will then be given more information. See you on our track soon!
Finally, we try to make more and more information available in both Dutch and English. But some parts of this website have not yet been translated to English, for which we are very sorry. If there's something you don't understand or can't find, don't hesitate to drop us an e-mail at secretaris [at] haasjeatletiek.nl and webmaster [at] haasjeatletiek.nl.
Binnen 't Haasje zijn op dit moment twee vertrouwenscontactpersonen, dit zijn Emma Maas en Luc Sillen. Meer informatie over hoe je hen kunt contacteren staat onder het kopje: vertrouwenspersonen.
27-28 mei NSK Meerkamp
2 juni Asterix Meeting
9 juni Nijmegen Meeting
17-18 juni NSK Baan
2 juli 3e Competitiewedstrijd
9 september NSK Teams
(10 september degreadtie/promotie wedstrijd competitie)